Friday, April 3, 2015

The Coolest Things I Saw/Did in Paris

1. Visited the Shakespeare and Co. Bookstore

English nerds do not die and go to heaven. They go to Shakespeare and Co. Bookstore.
I'm getting so good at awkwardly standing in front of buildings for pictures.

2. Said hey to my girl, Mona

Oooh. Gurl. You lookin' good.

3. Did some author stalking

Just one of the cafes that I visited that were frequented by some of my favorite authors.

Being here made me stupid happy.

4. Had a traditional Parisian lunch

And it was one of the best and cheapest meals I ate.

5. Climbed the Eiffel Tower

And we took the stairs. We literally climbed the Eiffel Tower. Beat that.

6. Found cookie dough

I know I'm going to have to explain this one, because those back in the States just won't be able to understand. You see they don't have cookie dough in Italy. And not just cookie dough in prepackaged cooking form like this. But not even cookie dough flavored food items. My friend, Kyle, who has been studying in Italy since the Fall, feels its absence deeply. He freaked out when we sent him this picture.

7. Saw the site of the Bastille

Because. You know. They tore it down. Brick by brick. That's why it's so famous. 

8. Wandered the Island at night

Paris is the prettiest city I've ever seen.

9. Made the pilgrimage to Louis Vuitton for my sister

Not going to lie, I went in just to take pictures for her. But, I'm glad we did because it was a surprisingly cool experience.

Who actually buys this? I want a name and a number so I can ask them why.

10. Walked through Notre Dame Cathedral

Possibly the prettiest church I've ever had the privilege of walking through. And that's coming from someone who lives in Rome.  
The stained glass was breath taking.

11. Took this picture in the Louvre with one very sassy Cupid

Arguably my favorite picture of the trip.

12. Stood beneath the Egyptian Obelisk

Which is cool within itself. Supposedly, it was a gift to Napoleon. But it wasn't and definitely stolen. And when Egypt asked for it back, France said no, because apparently France can do that. To me though, what's cooler than the Obelisk is that it marks the site of the guillotine during the Reign of Terror following the French Revolution of 1789. Near there are also the sites of execution for both Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI.  

13. Saw the Eiffel Tower sparkle. 

It's actually not even fair how pretty she is at night. Leave some pretty for the rest of us, Paris.


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