
Hello Stranger.

 Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Lauren. This is my blog. I'm happy to see that you've stumbled by.

Some things about me:

I'm a twenty-something college student, living in Chicago (what I would say is one of the best cities in the world-- but I may be biased.) I'm a double major in English and AD/PR. I have an overactive imagination and I like to write things. I laugh at my own jokes, but hopefully never alone. I prefer drinks when they are in a mug. Wine included. 

Some things about my blog:

Winging It is still a baby as far as the life of blogs are concerned. It's still hobbling along, trying to learn how to use its own feet to run. So far, it's been an experiment, combining what I think people want to hear about with what I feel compelled to write about, all while trying to sustain a bit of creative originality. It is a catalogue of my thoughts, experiences, and humble advice. 

Because I know I can't be the only one out there still 'winging it'. We birds have to stick together, you know.


Oh, hey. That's me.


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