Thursday, March 19, 2015

Spring Breaking in Berlin and Paris

It's been only days since I've arrived back in Rome from my Spring Break traveling and I can already feel the weight of allllll the blogs I need to write resting on my shoulders. We traveled for nine days and saw so many incredible things and I'm itching to share them with everyone who reads Winging It.

I've struggled with how to format these Spring Break tales. I can't stress to you just how much we saw and did in just a week and a half. All of it was important and all of it worth talking about. My classic long posts about weekend travels are just not going to cut it this time.

Instead, I've decided to split each city up into six to eight posts that are topically categorized rather than just giving you guys a day by day account. As they're posted, you'll be able to click the links I post at the bottom of this in order to get to them directly, instead of scrolling through my Rome feed.

So, I'm hoping you guys are as excited to hear about everything as I am to tell you about it. Now just to get it all down in words. Challenge accepted.


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